DA Desktop Suite

A Windows desktop application for the DA Drive Analyzer

  • DA Desktop Suite is a Windows PC application that lets users access the services of DA Drive Analyzer, an AI-based drive failure prediction and drive health monitoring service, quickly for up to several users. DA Desktop Suite currently has a feature called DA Monitor.

  •  DA Monitor works in the background to continuously monitor the health of multiple drives across multiple devices and accounts -convenient for IT support and maintenance.
  • DA Monitor Alerts you about potential drive problems through desktop notifications.
  • DA Monitor lets you check how many new Alerts and Alert subtypes (AI Alerts, Fault Alerts, and Threshold-Based Alerts) you have among your licensed drives.
  • DA Monitor links to DA portal where you can access drive information in greater detail.

DA Monitor of DA Desktop Suite

DA Monitor of DA Desktop Suite (DA Monitor) is a Windows PC application that lets users access the services of DA Drive Analyzer, an AI-based drive failure prediction and drive health monitoring service, quickly for up to several users. Download its installation file and user guide here. 

DA Desktop Suite Software Download


DA Desktop Suite User Guide Download


Latest Versions

DriveMaster Release

DriveMaster 10: v10.0.1850

Test Suite Release

ULINK NVMe Protocol: v7.0 (New)
ULINK NVMe Regression: v6.0 (New)

TCG Opal Family Certification: v6.5 (New)
TCG Opal Family SSC Multiple Namespaces Protocol Test Suite: v2.5
TCG Opal Family SSC Application Note: v6.0 (New)
TCG Enterprise Application Note: v6.0 (New)
ULINK TCG/I1667 Opal Family Protocol: v11.0 (New)
ULINK TCG Enterprise Protocol: v5.5 (New)

ULINK SATA/ATA Protocol: v10.0
ULINK SATA/ATA Regression: v9.5 (New)
SATA-IO Device Digital: v5.0
SATA-IO Host Digital: v3.0

ULINK SAS/SCSI Protocol: v4.5
ULINK SAS/SCSI Regression: v5.5 (New)

Test Reporter
