Imagine that BytebyByteZ is a news production company that produces and broadcasts news stories everyday. Its efficiency depends on its ability to access files continuously without any downtime. ULINK DA Drive Analyzer can help such companies monitor the health of the drives of their data storage systems and take proactive steps to prevent any downtime.

ULINK DA Drive Analyzer is a cloud-based tool that collects and monitors the health parameters of drives to intelligently predict when your drive is near failure.

One of the chief benefits of DA Drive Analyzer is that it alerts you in advance about impending drive failure, allowing you to take the necessary steps to save your data or replace your drive.

In addition to this, ULINK DA Drive Analyzer offers several other benefits, such as:

  • Downtime reduction: Through real-time monitoring, predictive analysis, and proactive maintenance, the Drive Analyzer helps identify potential issues before they escalate into full-blown failures. By addressing problems at an early stage, maintenance can happen during planned downtime windows, thus avoiding unexpected and costly service interruptions.
  • Data loss prevention: By alerting you in advance about impending drive failure, DA Drive Analyzer helps prevent data loss. This ensures that you can take the necessary steps to save your data or replace your drive before it’s too late.
  • Planned RAID Rebuilds: With DA Drive Analyzer’s ability to anticipate drive failures, organizations can plan RAID rebuilds more strategically and reduce the risk of data loss and downtime. By proactively replacing failing drives before they crash, they can ensure continuous data availability.

ULINK DA Drive Analyzer can be especially beneficial for media production systems that require high storage availability and reliability. By alerting you in advance about impending drive failure, DA Drive Analyzer can help ensure that these critical systems are always up and running.


QNAP and ULINK Release DA Drive Analyzer, AI-powered Drive Failure Prediction Tool for NAS

Photo Credit:Svitlana Hulko


Latest Versions

DriveMaster Release

DriveMaster 10: v10.0.1850 (New)

Test Suite Release

ULINK NVMe Protocol: v6.0
ULINK NVMe Regression: v5.0

TCG Opal Family Certification: v6.0
TCG Opal Family SSC Multiple Namespaces Protocol Test Suite: v2.0
TCG Opal Family SSC Application Note: v5.5
TCG Enterprise Application Note: v5.0
ULINK TCG/I1667 Opal Family Protocol: v10.0
ULINK TCG Enterprise Protocol: v5.0

ULINK SATA/ATA Protocol: v9.0
ULINK SATA/ATA Regression: v9.0
SATA-IO Device Digital: v4.0
SATA-IO Host Digital: v3.0

ULINK SAS/SCSI Protocol: v4.5
ULINK SAS/SCSI Regression: v5.0

Test Reporter
