Machine Learning Approach to HDD Failure Prediction

Machine Learning Approach to HDD Failure Prediction

In today’s world, where data and data drives are critical resources, managing HDDs in operations and proactively detecting potential failures is of paramount importance. Any oversight in timely failure detection could lead to severe disruptions across products and...
Predictable Problems in HDDs and SSDs

Predictable Problems in HDDs and SSDs

Hard disk drives (HDDs) and solid-state drives (SSDs) are essential components of modern computers for storing and retrieving data for various applications. However, these devices are not immune to failures, which can lead to data loss, performance degradation, or...

Latest Versions

DriveMaster Release

DriveMaster 10: v10.0.1850

Test Suite Release

ULINK NVMe Protocol: v7.0 (New)
ULINK NVMe Regression: v6.0 (New)

TCG Opal Family Certification: v6.5 (New)
TCG Opal Family SSC Multiple Namespaces Protocol Test Suite: v2.5
TCG Opal Family SSC Application Note: v6.0 (New)
TCG Enterprise Application Note: v6.0 (New)
ULINK TCG/I1667 Opal Family Protocol: v11.0 (New)
ULINK TCG Enterprise Protocol: v5.5 (New)

ULINK SATA/ATA Protocol: v10.0
ULINK SATA/ATA Regression: v9.5 (New)
SATA-IO Device Digital: v5.0
SATA-IO Host Digital: v3.0

ULINK SAS/SCSI Protocol: v4.5
ULINK SAS/SCSI Regression: v5.5 (New)

Test Reporter
